Curative Focus

Curative Focus

Curative Focus

Our Approach

We don't want you to need us indefinitely!

Our number one goal is to show you how to strengthen your neck, back, and entire musculoskeletal system so you never have pain to begin with! Our active care option is meant to get you to that point, or at least as close to curative as possible based on your individual situation.

Therapy may still be needed at times.

For those needing more immediate relief, Preventive Health does offer passive care therapy sessions. We only offer long duration visits, either 30 minutes or full one-hour therapy sessions. Dr. May DOES NOT provide the quick, pop and go type of Chiropractic visits that many people are accustomed to. The pop and go, adjustment only type of Chiropractic care can be extremely effective and may be all you need. We just don't provide that. Our longer duration visits are meant for those who are looking for more and who appreciate a premium duration Chiropractic therapy session provided completely by the Chiropractor with no other office staff involved in your care. Our sessions are tailored to not only restore lost spinal joint motion, but also include:
Using manual (hands-on) traction to address any nerve impingement and to hydrate spinal joints.
Use of a flexion/distraction Chiropractic table to loosen tight muscles as well as address disc issues.
Hands-on manual therapy to massage and loosen tight ligaments and tendons.
Passive motion assisted stretching to address tight, knotted up muscles.
Percussion massage to further relax tight muscles.

We understand limitations

Many people simply don't have time for neck and back strengthening or a longer duration therapy session. Many of our patients have young children at home, work 60 hours+ per week, care for an elder at home, are currently in school, or have any combination of time limitations. We understand and suggest that the adjustment only type of Chiropractic care may be best for you at this time with another office better suited to your needs. However, when you are ready to truly address the root cause of neck pain, back pain, and other musculoskeletal issues, we would love to work with you with our active care solution or provide a longer therapy session when needed.

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501(c)3 nonprofit health organization

Preventive Health Main Site

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